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Booking Information

A New System - Covid-Friendly 


In the post-Covid world, I aim to share the space in the room with you for a maximum of 15 minutes in total. 

In order to work like this, the system will be as follows:


- Prior to each acupuncture appointment, we need to have a consultation. 

There are two ways to do this - either we have an online consultation 24-48hrs before your acupuncture appointment to discuss your current hormonal signs and symptoms (book below, in my Virtual Consultation Room) or you need to be signed up to my Fertility Mentoring Service and in regular contact with me about your cycle and hormonal signs and symptoms.


- We can then follow on from this to the practical acupuncture session

My treatment plan will be based mainly on information from our consultation or ongoing communication though I will obviously take into account physical signs and symptoms on the day, pulses, body diagnosis etc. Once I place the needles, I will wait outside the room to minimise the time we spend in a small space together. 


If you wish to use the Fertility Mentoring service via email instead of having an online meeting, the fee for that service costs £120 per calendar month, invoiced monthly in advance (acupuncture sessions are an additional cost and need to be booked via the online system). The Fertility Mentoring includes up to 30 mins online consultation and endless email support through the month to help you to track and understand your cycle, learn how to read your hormonal signs and symptoms and how to support your own fertility. If blood tests and other investigations are advisable, I will help you to work out how to get them. If you are using Fertility Mentoring instead of the pre-acupuncture online consultations, we need to be in communication over the 24-48hrs prior to each acupuncture treatment. 


For fertility support, I recommend weekly treatments for the first 2-3 months if possible, after which we may be able to reduce treatment frequency to 2-3 times a month. Treating less frequently tends to lead to a slower response as I miss too many phases of the cycle and the whole system doesn't get such a clear message.


I will not be able to treat you if we have not had some form of consultation in the 24-48hrs prior to the acupuncture appointment.

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