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Unexplained Infertility Investigator

Low AMH & Unexplained Infertility Expert

Speaker & Advocator (Low AMH & Unexplained Infertility, Male Infertility)

Member of British Acupuncture Council

Advanced Level Diploma in Fertility Acupuncture 


"Yesterday was the first time we have had the really personalised, considered advice we have needed all along, and we both feel much more optimistic about our journey ahead now that we have met you."

Fertility Assessment & Advice. Done Properly. 

  • Have you been for a Fertility Assessment only to be told to go for IVF when what you really wanted was some understanding about how to assess and improve your fertility naturally?

  • Have you been told your AMH is low and that is why you are not conceiving??

  • Have you been holding your breath for months waiting for IVF to solve your fertility issues, only to find that it hasn’t worked?

  • Are you battling secondary infertility and wondering whether you need to resort to IVF this time?

  • Have you been through so much already, but your partner has only done a simple semen analysis and been told he's ok?
    (a semen analysis is NOT proof of fertility!)

  • Are you trying to find someone who will really look at your situation, look at you, look at your partner, pick up clues about what may be going on, what tests to run, who you should be talking to and what you can to next?

If you answered 'YES' to any of the above, I would like to help you to work out what is going on and what you can do about it?

I am routinely shocked that women in their 30s are being advised to rush into IVF 'because AMH is Low", without proper explanation about what AMH is, and what low AMH means for women under 40. IVF clinics will never tell you that rushing into IVF unprepared is nearly always the wrong thing to do. 


I'm always disappointed with the lack of investigation and holistic support that people get for unexplained infertility before they start down the IVF road. And in my opinion this is why IVF so often fails when success may be possible naturally or with proper preparation. 


If you are looking for someone who really understands this stuff, follow my instagram account for lots of posts explaining what Low AMH really means or discussing how unexplained infertility should be approached. 


Contact Me,

or follow me @alex_explaininginfertility


or click the button below for more info about how I work. 

What Does Low AMH Mean for Your Fertility?

Listen to this episode of Hannah Pearn's podcast, featuring Alex, talking about Low AMH and what it really means for your fertility

Meet Alex

Fertility Acupuncturist & Fertility Investigator

I am a Fertility Acupuncture Specialist, I have clinics in mid Essex and in the City and I also offer fertility support consultations via Zoom.

Diagnosed with endometriosis and polycystic ovaries at the age of 23, I have experienced fertility issues myself, culminating in IVF. I have a deep, open-hearted appreciation for what it is like to struggle with unexplained infertility and how it can makes you feel broken and lost. I am absolutely determined to make a difference to anyone travelling along this journey, to guide and support them to find a way through this maze.

If you are feeling a bit lost I would love to help you to figure out where you are and how to get to where you want to be. 


Latest Blog Posts

Frustrated and Confused?

Have you had a Diagnosis of Unexplained Infertility?

Do you want to Dig a Little Deeper?? 

Hand on Bump

Those Who Say It Can't Be Done

Should Get Out Of The Way Of Those Doing It . . . 

Ancient Chinese Proverb

“I felt really positive, hopeful and like a weight had been lifted. Despite having many tests at hospitals both on the NHS and privately Alex was the first person to look at “W” and I as a team and look at what could be improved.”

“I wish I'd found you sooner, I have no regrets working with you, only maybe that I got pregnant so quickly after starting working with you!”

“I felt like everything Alex said made total sense, she is obviously very intelligent but was also really knowledgeable and different to anyone I had spoken to. More of a problem solver rather than a fertility clinic who I felt were just trying to make money off of me.”

Research Article

Prior to Conception: The Role of an Acupuncture Protocol in Improving Women's Reproductive Functioning Assessed by a Pilot Pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial

"Those receiving the acupuncture conceived within an average of 5.5 weeks compared to 10.67 weeks for the lifestyle only group"

Introducing Gill Hind

Have you considered whether past abdominal surgery, infection or trauma may be a factor in your fertility?

Introducing Gill Hind - a visceral osteopath who specialises in women's pelvic health for fertility, pregnancy and post natal recovery

Read More . . . . 

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I would love to walk with you on your fertility journey, to support you emotionally and physically through my acupuncture practice.

If you would like to meet with me to talk about your story, I will try my very best to help you.

Thanks for submitting!

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© 2021 Alexandra O'Connor

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